Necton (All Saints) Norfolk.
Bells retuned and rehung with new fittings.

This peal of six bells were cast by Thomas Mears of London in 1833. They were not well in tune and had distinctly old style harmonics. 

In 2018, we retuned the bells to true-harmonic standard, by removing metal from their inside surfaces and also by re-profiling the outside of their soundbows. The transformation in sound is quite remarkable.

All six bells were rehung with all new fittings in the existing bellframe, which has been restored and strengthened. 

You can hear before and after sound clips here: 

"After forty years of silence and three years of learning to ring on neglected and somewhat difficult bells, we now have a ring of six wonderfully restored and magnificently retuned bells, thanks to the Matthew, Ben and the rest of his dedicated team. We are now considered to be, one of, if not ‘the’ best ring of six in Norfolk. Many thanks.
Helen Lewis Tower Captain / Church Warden, All Saints, Necton."

Before and after photos:

Before rehanging.

The completed Project.